Call for Application
Artist Residency Huet Repolt / 2025 / BRUSSELS

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2024 resident was

John Ryan Brubaker

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Artist Residency Huet Repolt finds its origin in the wish of François Huet and Odile Repolt to materialise their support for artists and take a modest but concrete part in artistic creation.
The residency consists in the provision, for two months every year, of a house to an artist selected by a Selection Committee.
The aim is to make available a place that is inspirational for work, research and encounters.

Former winners of the Huet-Repolt Residency:
2016 : Keita Mori
2018 : Estèla Alliaud
2019 : Damien Dion
2020 : Tzu-Chun Ku
2021 : Chloé Mossessian & Henry Mittnacht
2022 : Tessa Gustin
2023 : Sophie Blet
2024 : John Ryan Brubaker

General Conditions of the Residency
In 2025, the residency will be of 8 weeks, from 15th February to 13th April.

This year 2025 will be exceptional for the residency. Following a beautiful encounter with the artist Gudny Rosa Ingimarsdottir and H.E. Mr Kristján Andri Stefánsson, Ambassador of Iceland in Brussels, the residency will be offered in 2025 to an Icelandic artist. The normal selection process, open to all, will resume as from the year 2026.

The applications will be accepted up until 26th August before midnight. They must be sent at the address .

The results of the selection process will be made public by 15th September at the latest.

The selected artist will commit to being present on location for at least 7 weeks.
The artist will be invited to pursue his/her personal research, in relation or not with the environment provided by the residency.

The Residency is open to any artist who has completed his / her studies.
Applications in duos are accepted, and there is no age limit.
The House
The house is a contemporary house of 120 m² with a living room / kitchen, two bedrooms, a rooftop terrace, a bathroom, a utility room and a garage.
It is located in Watermael-Boitsfort, 4 kms from Brussels' centre.
The house being also a home, where people actually live, and not featuring strictly speaking a studio, non-reversible practices cannot be accepted unfortunately and the house is expected to be left in the state it was when starting the residency.
A convention will be signed between the Residency and the artist to sort out the practicalities of the residency.
Financial conditions
Financial support will be granted to the artist for his/her production, for an amount of 1500 euros.
During the time of the residency, the selected artist shall feed an archive box to leave a trace of his/her stay and research. There is no prescribed form for the constitution of this deposits.
Heating, electricity, water and internet expenses are borne by the Residency.
Artists wishing to be accompanied by their family may apply. They are simply invited to mention it in their application.
For more information, please contact:
François Huet, using the form of the website.